गुरुवार, 23 जुलाई 2009

वेंडी बार्कर की कविता का अनुवाद

Wendy Barker’s poem, “At Last”, is as follows,

we swim in the lake
of each other. All night
the current washes rocks

from shore, eases the jagged
places, dissolving stones
of stones into grit, sand,

the yield of siltthat reaches
all the way under this highest of
tides, entire body of water.

एक-दूजे के जलाशय में रहे हम तैरते
रात-भर धुलती रही
घुलती रही चट्टान तट पर
धार से । जल-धार से ।
खुरदरे सब स्थल हुए समतल,
घुले पत्थर,
बने बजरी, हुए बालू ।
उच्चतम इस ज्वार में
जल की समूची देह के तल में
तरंगित पंक यूँ पैदा हुआ ।

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

Unknown ने कहा…

here you come to my rescue sir...beautifully translated..the beauty that I saw in ,the pleasure that I felt from the original notions of Wendy barker in the poem is just because of your translation...After reading it in both the languages, it reminded me of one of your poetry classes where you introduced us to JOHN KEATS. He is the one of my favourite poets...bcoz youmade us see the beauty in his poems...You did the same with "AT LAST"

Vandana ने कहा…

its a great feeling to be in touch with u after such a long time.Please accept my regards and gratitude for being a wonderful teacher who guided us to an ocean of infinite happiness and wisdom.